Mural for Idora Park Mural, Youngstown, Ohio
The All-Ohio Balloon Festival Mural, on the side of the Marysville Journal-Tribune, Marysville, Ohio

Camp Chase mural for Westgate Park, Columbus, Ohio
This mural is located in Westgate Park in the Hilltop community on the west side of Columbus, Ohio. The Mural commemorates Camp Chase, A union Training Camp and the location of a Confederate Prison. Westgate Park is located just to the southwest of the boundaries of Camp Chase. The mural measures 75'wX22'h.
Mural for Reynoldsburg, Ohio
I never did get a good photograph of this mural finished. Here, the soldiers' bodies have not yet been painted.
Buddy Feuchs' sister tells his story before a crowd of Reynoldsburgians braving the cold so they could attend the mural dedication Saturday, December 5, 2009. Feuchs and four other Reynoldsburg veterans are portrayed in the mural.
The National Road, the Underground Railroad, Alexander W. Livingston and tomato cultivation, education and patriotism are the themes 0f this 90"w. X 35"h. mural located on the corner of U.S. route 40 and state route 256.
Reuben L. Partridge, Bridge Builder in Marysville, Ohio

Four murals in Newark, Ohio
Cliff Dwellers mural in the Short North of Columbus, Ohio
Berry Brothers Boltworks Building mural in Italian Village, Columbus, Ohio
Located at 350 East First Avenue Columbus, Ohio, on the sight of an old bolt manufacturing factory. The mural measures over 300 feet wide.